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Old 03-31-2016, 01:11 PM
Anoka Quilter
Super Member
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Oak Grove, MN
Posts: 1,671

One thing I have found about this thread beatys9 is that it somehow seems to motivate you to get your UFO's done. The people on this thread are encouraging and every once in a while our fearless leader challenges us to finish a UFO; though she hasn't done that in a while.

I know that with summer approaching I will slow down on my finishes as there are just too many other things going on; yard work, gardening, boating, camping, and all the other fun stuff you do in the summer. I also participate in the Row-by Row and I want to have a finish in 2016. My 2015 quilt came to a halt when my Mom passed away last August and I never got it completed by the deadline, honestly it still isn't completed. However, when June 21st arrives it is PTO for me from work for 4 days and a Row-by-Row road trip to collect my patterns and plates across MN.
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