Old 04-04-2016, 01:52 PM
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Originally Posted by sewbizgirl
WMUTeach, can't wait to see your new Calico Rose quilt. How was the retreat? Please tell us about it.
Well as retreats, go this was small only 30 women with machines! But I got one baby quilt top finished. Sandwiching, quilting and binding later. I used a jelly roll and the Bonnie Hunter "Pineapple Flower" pattern. Pictures in the future. I planned on making it smaller and making two tops from the one jelly roll. I ended up with one quilt and used one of the alternative layouts. Now I have scraps and UFO's. the quilt is pretty but 48" square which is large for a baby quilt but if I made it smaller, the beautiful pattern would have been lost.

I then moved on to a use my 2.5 in squares. Made all the 16 X 16 squares for the Calico Rose and most of the 9 X 9 squares for the alternate blocks. I will finish them at my craft night on Friday at church.

As usual we ate well, many UFO finished quilts, lots of gals working on the Farmer's Wife quilts and our mystery quilt for the year. We watched the temperature drop form 65 to upper 20's, rain turn to snow and kept cozy as our our machines hummed along. New roomie this retreat and how nice to get to know someone else! We found our lives are different and then so much in common. Good time had by all and we are already anxious for a 3 day week-end vacation in October! Same place same gals plus some who could not attend this time.

I highly recommend retreats! This one is very free flowing and we quilt what we want, no workshops but oh, so much sharing of ideas, opinions and skills and praise for efforts from those who understand the work and skills that it took to make the top.
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