Old 04-09-2016, 04:24 AM
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Default Help...I've been asked to longarm a t shirt quilt!

l quilt for charity, both my own tops and those that charity group members have made. Recently, a member asked me to longarm her grandson's t shirt quilt she's made up. For my services, she will donate $ to our charity quilting group. l have been reading up on t shirt quilts...most info is on the piecing, but l need to know what thread to use, and any tips other longarmers can provide. The quilt will have fleece backing, cotton batting, and the t shirts have frames sewn around them. She doesn't want the letters etc. to" have stitching going all through them". l usually fmq from the front. Would monofilament thread on top and a thread to match back be a good idea? or a recipe for disaster,lol.
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