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Old 04-12-2016, 07:05 AM
Junior Member
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Join Date: May 2015
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Posts: 193

The knee control proponents cought me! Let me reasure you that of course I'm going to try it because you never know and I truely might like it better. But I know what works well for me and having and uneaven control like that usually gives me muscle cramps and feels awkward. I don't even treadle the usual way with on foot forward one foot back, instead I have both feet in the middle, my body's work load is balanced and it feels very natural to me and works very well. Now if I could easily switch the knee control it from right to left when I need to, or even better move it to the center so I could squeeze it with both knees, that might work well.

But since I want to be able to take her to things like sewing meetups, and I don't have nor want a car and can't take a cabinet on the bus, it would have to be something I'd strap to my knee. And squeezing a strapped on bar between my legs in front of others would probably earn me a lot of giggles ;P I'd probably just giggle along and go about my buisness, but all told it just seems more practical to have a foot pedal.

I guess I should have been more clear about it, but my original post was already kinda long.
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