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Old 04-13-2016, 12:54 PM
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Originally Posted by rryder View Post
For general de-cluttering I keep a cardboard box in the upstairs hallway and put things in it that I no longer need/want as I come across them. When the box gets full I take it to Goodwill. I end up making two or three trips to Goodwill each year using this method. It doesn't take the place of a full-scale decluttering, but I figure every little bit helps.

I do the same only its a shopping bag in the "junk room" which contains our car show stuff and extra dogs stuff plus the Christmas stuff. I did clean and organize said "junk room" and put up shelves for all the stuff. I did some quick searches and most found nothing showing how Marie thought rooms should look. The one I did find was singularly unimpressive. It's looked like a motel with a single bed and desk and one thing on the wall. Minimalist is not for me nor does is inspire anything in me except 'hang something personal on your walls so it doesn't look like a La Quinta'.

My husband I and are avid collectors, vintage signs, dachshund artwork (new and vintage) and vintage china abounds at our house. All is clean and neat but I don't do coffee tables containing on object or wall with nothing on them. I love my "stuff" and love it around me. I do get rid of the "stuff" but that's done on a regular basis. Whenever a charity contacts me to see if I have a bag for them I check. If there's a full bag, out it goes. I guess I'm just old fashioned and don't want to get onto the band wagon of decluttering (which appears to very lucrative if you look at all the places selling books and videos about it. Hmmm . . . that could be why it's being promoted so much)
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