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Old 04-16-2016, 09:27 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Texas
Posts: 983

My 1st husband was in the military, they have movers come in and pack up your house for you (everything), over 3 moves I had several boxes disappear along with the packing lists for each box. They "lost" rare collectables which were lost with the packing lists. I also had a console TV (shows how long ago this was) that I guess stuck out too far for the shipping crate so the just shoved the crate shut against the back of the TV putting the backing through the front screen of the TV. I learned to watch everything they packed and get my own copy of every packing list. Most of all to not leave the moving up to my ex husband. I guess you can tell why he's an EX now lol. Thankfully I wasn't learning to quilt back then.
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