Thread: Delays!
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Old 04-19-2016, 05:23 AM
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Originally Posted by oldtisme View Post
Donna I so agree with everyone's comments, this is an unanswered Prayer as the song goes. This might have happened to prevent you from being alone in your new studio and something terrible happen to your heart. The garage/shed isn't going anywhere, it will be waiting patiently for you to bring it to life! Perhaps during your rest you can look back over your pictures of your new home being built and share them with me...I mean the rest of the board members. I'm sure everyone wants to see your new house with all your work of picking Windows, paint, flooring etc. Take care of yourself and read some quilting magazines for ideas to create in your new studio!
Actually, our "new house" wasn't built for us. We are moving into my husband's parent's house. But shortly after my DFIL passed away, my MIL said, "Ricky would never let me have any colors on the walls other than white, so now I'm going to paint them the color I want!". So she had them painted the gaudiest shade of green you've ever seen! LOL! She painted this color in the living room, dining room, kitchen, and hallway. Two weeks ago I told my 23 year old autistic daughter that we were going to move into grandma's house and asked her what she thought of that. The first words out of her mouth were, "Paint da walls Mrs. Mom?" Even she knows ugly when she sees it! LOL! I assured her that we were going to paint the walls, and even let her pick the color she wants for her room! She picked a royal blue, and I am going to start at the top with a clear glaze, then gradually add the blue to it so that it is darker at the bottom. This will make it look like the ocean, and I will paint "sand" at the bottom and paint on seaweed and fish to make it sort of a mural on her wall. Our bedroom will have a mural as well. 😃

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