Thread: "Weigh In"
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Old 01-25-2010, 06:58 PM
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I'm sorry about the setback Teacup! :( But I see that you know how to find that silver lining in the clouds of your life tho! Always a good thing!

While you're on the can still exersize a bit. While you're sitting(straight with shoulders directly over your hips), lift and lower your feet as if you were walking. Do "kicks", lifting your leg straight out from the knee. Lift your knee to your chest. Get a couple of cans out of the cupboard. Stretch to the your arms. Walmart has those stretchy exersise bands...get one and use it with your arms...and your knees if you can. (don't do anything to hurt your ankle tho!)
You can still do this! I have faith in you! :)
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