Thread: figit quilt
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Old 04-29-2016, 07:45 AM
Jo Anne B.
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Originally Posted by Bree123 View Post
I'd maybe quilt it with a different color in each section. They say that color is the last memory that Alzheimer's patients remember (it's the reason why wings of Memory Centers are typically painted different colors). Also, quilt it before adding dimensional pieces.

Different sizes of rickrack might be fun.

PS - You mentioned beads. Would be neat to maybe get a length of thicker silk (like in jewelry section) and have it so she can move the beads back & forth like an abacus. Also could do a fuller row where the beads just spin around the thread.
While my mom was in the nursing home I would hang door decor for each season, per mom this is how she knew where she lived. Every door was white in every hallway. This would be absolutely confusing for a person with dementia, mental fatigue, senior moment...
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