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Old 05-03-2016, 09:17 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2012
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you may find that if you make a couple smaller projects and donate them, your batteries will get recharged and you'll feel better about your gifts. A couple of the organizations I give to are the NICU at our children's hospital and a group in my area that has funeral services for abandoned infants. Both only want very small quilts (they may have to discard the NICU quilts and they bury the infants swaddled in theirs). But it feels very good to know that you have given some comfort to these babies. Check with the volunteer group at your local hospital for more info. Also, make throw size blankets and give them to the local battered women's shelter or the police dept to give to children in a time of crisis. I put them in closed plastic bags and the police dept can have a couple in their trunk to give out (some fire depts do them same). It really helps these children to feel safer if they can wrap up in their own blanket and keep it. I am sorry for whatever the problem you are experiencing with your family, hopefully it will pass.
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