Old 01-26-2010, 08:35 AM
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When my parents bought the first home place, the land had just been clear cut, the outbuildings had been used for toilets after the house had been trashed in the same manner.
My father worked for the garbage company and was at work by 3 am, worked all day lifting fifty gallon garbage cans (metal) full of people's trash and had to figure out how to make the house a home and the land productive, with a shovel and a chain saw and axe ...
He told me: I figured if I could clear one square foot of land a day, my land would be more clear tomorrow than it had been the day before. I would come home and go right out and start to get the square foot cleared or repaired. Most nights I did much more, some nights it was just a bit ...
Today, when people see my folks' home place, they think God made it that way! They don't have a clue about the blood, sweat, and tears my parents spent making it what it looks like today. My dad didn't need a level playing field - - he just grabbed the opportunity and went for it. (oh, and my mom was a good partner for him. Consider this! About six weeks after they were married, mother was in a horse accident, the horse slipped on wet pavement, rolled back over her and mother was in a coma for three days before re-gaining consciousness. She was cleaning up that awful house and working right there with dad while still suffering the effects of that concussion and being pregnant with me! <g> probably where I get all of my "charm" ... )
But the point is, look anywhere along the way and you will see that most of the work is done by the man or woman who is willing to START and be diligent. God can bless that kind of tenacity, and He does! <wave>
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