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Old 05-26-2016, 04:07 PM
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Originally Posted by mme3924 View Post
Very helpful numbers from Bree! Can't do machine bed flush with tabletop simply because I don't have that arrangement...yet
Thanks. I didn't have it for the first couple years either so what I did was build my own makeshift surround using Whitman's chocolate boxes -- had to eat the chocolate first. I highly recommend this option! -- and some shirt boxes covered in waxed paper, and just taped them to the side & back of my old Singer machine bed with masking tape. Just hunt around the house for something about the same height as your machine bed -- even as little as 4-6" extra around your machine will really make a difference in the quality & ease of your FMQ work. You just want to be sure that whatever you use is either slick (like the chocolate boxes) or covered in something slick -- waxed paper worked okay for me, but I'm sure there are probably better options out there.

There are people who spend a bit more money building up around their machine with foam insulation and wood laminate or vinyl fabric & that would work if you're interested ( I decided to save up my money & build this nice little IKEA hacks table ( that is based on an IKEA Ingo dining table ($69) ( plus a couple pieces of lumber. Because on my new Bernina 350 I have a knee lift, I had a friend add a hole for me on the front apron piece to insert my knee lift bar through to the hole in the front of my recessed machine.

Good luck & happy quilting!
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