Thread: Dog and a truck
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Old 01-26-2010, 08:29 PM
Chasing Hawk
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Originally Posted by Harmony
This reinforces my very strong belief that the only good coyote is a DEAD coyote! They're just sharks with legs!
I beg to differ, being Native American I don't see the need to have any animal killed that isn't necessary for providing for one's family. Here in Central Oregon cougars, bears are seen in and around town. And the first response is let's go kill the beast before it eats someone's poodle. Most seem to forget we have moved into their "home" and now they have no where to find food cause it's been replaced with a shopping mall or a house.
A few weeks ago, while traveling home from Eugene my husband and I had the distinct privilege to see a cougar run across the road and disappear into the forest. And a few days before that a deer ran out in front of us and was clipped by our bumper. Thankfully he or she got up and ran off to be with his friends nearby. Minor damage was done to my truck, but it was worth the expense of fixing than seeing that beauty laying dead at my feet. I cried and thanked Wakan Tanka for saving that deer.
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