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Old 06-06-2016, 07:10 AM
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Glendon, Moore County, NC
Posts: 36
Default Re: Pray Quilt

Originally Posted by charismah View Post
Hi friends, It's been awhile since I have posted. I was here chatting so I thought I would share my latest finish. I took a break and quilted one of my own over the holiday weekend...which was very fun! I pieced this quilt a few months ago and I purposefully left all of the "white" space so I could fill it in with my quilting. I don't use a computer I do everything freehand...

Each element of the quilting has meaning. I quilted the arrow to encompass the word Pray the arrow is pointing up towards God ...and one one side of the arrow is all of the chaos in our lives. The prayer interrupts that -> then on the other side is how God answers to us. Each ray represents the different ways he Communicates to us. All of those pebbles of wisdom fall into our nets for us to catch...I made the net imperfect because sometimes we don't catch those pearls. The swirls under the net are putting those answers in to motion after we process the answers.

I hope this finds you all blessed and well on this Memorial day!
I am excited I found and was able to read and to see your quilt "Pray Quilt". As I try to live a Christian Life this touched my life in so many ways, and I Thank You for this.
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