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Old 06-06-2016, 06:48 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Cottage Grove, MN
Posts: 2,809


i finally sat down and put the binding on my Giant Scrappy Swoon! The top has been finished since last summer.
It was a quilt along on this forum.

I tried donating it to my church charity quilting group last summer to sandwich and finish but the group thought it should be finished and saved for a fundraiser that might come up. So I said I would take it home and bind it. Well, it sat since last summer waiting to be bound. As I was binding it last week, I just didn't feel it was right for a fundraiser quilt so I decided to tell the church group that they should add it to their donations. (The group recently gave their 5000 th quilt to Salvation Army.). After I decided it should be donated, I read my Godson's sister's Caringbridge site and found she started hospice. She is 46 or 47 years old. Suddenly, my quilt had a destination or two. It will either go to Shelley's family or to her mother, a longtime friend of mine.

This is the second UFO within a year where I had a hard time deciding what to do with it. The other one went to a former co-worker and her husband as they were dealing with her son's issues. Most of my quilts go to the church quilting group to finish or a charity for babies where I also volunteer so it's unusual for me to struggle with giving them up. .


P.S. The specks on the first quilt are the ties and also the embroidery that I added for stability.

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