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Old 06-07-2016, 07:51 AM
Janice McC
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This is a special finish to me since I participated in jclinganrey's Giant scrappy Swoon QAL last year too. Mine remains hanging on the wall - unfinished. So congratulations to you for a fine UFO finish retiredteacher! TOOT TOOT! Love your special little quilting touches. I'm sure it will be loved whose ever hands it ends up in.
Originally Posted by retiredteacher09 View Post

i finally sat down and put the binding on my Giant Scrappy Swoon! The top has been finished since last summer.
It was a quilt along on this forum.

I tried donating it to my church charity quilting group last summer to sandwich and finish but the group thought it should be finished and saved for a fundraiser that might come up. So I said I would take it home and bind it. Well, it sat since last summer waiting to be bound. As I was binding it last week, I just didn't feel it was right for a fundraiser quilt so I decided to tell the church group that they should add it to their donations. (The group recently gave their 5000 th quilt to Salvation Army.). After I decided it should be donated, I read my Godson's sister's Caringbridge site and found she started hospice. She is 46 or 47 years old. Suddenly, my quilt had a destination or two. It will either go to Shelley's family or to her mother, a longtime friend of mine.

This is the second UFO within a year where I had a hard time deciding what to do with it. The other one went to a former co-worker and her husband as they were dealing with her son's issues. Most of my quilts go to the church quilting group to finish or a charity for babies where I also volunteer so it's unusual for me to struggle with giving them up. .


P.S. The specks on the first quilt are the ties and also the embroidery that I added for stability.

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