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Old 06-14-2016, 07:50 AM
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There are pros and cons to both sides of how to move the rows along. It is important to be sure that you mail your row on time and to the person it has to go to. On one row robin I was in, someone did not send the rows on and a person was without her quilt. I do not want that to happen if I took this upon myself. The other one I did everyone was so efficient on their mailings. Downside, in one package, three rows were lost in the mail and they had to be redone. That was heart breaking. So there is no perfect way.
Let me get my notes together and visit with Mariposa. If we get 10 participants, we can do two at the same time. That is five in each group.

In the mean time, be thinking of a theme you would like your quilt, whether sewing, circles, a bookcase, colors, ocean themed, flower wall, etc.
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