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Old 06-16-2016, 07:59 PM
Barb in Louisiana
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: The Deep South near Cajun Country, USA
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My girlfriend applies a lot of bling to just about anything fabric. Her favorites are Swarovski Crystals with the flat backs and glue already on them, and the Applique pressing cloth that is non-stick. This allows you to lay your garment/quilt/purse out flat, arrange as many crystals as you have room for under the Pressing Cloth and then heat them with your iron without taking a chance on burning your fabric. The pressing cloth must be non-stick because the glue has been known to run.

I prefer the clear cloths. This allows me to see if the crystals have moved out of place. You will want to have the item laying on a hard ironing surface that it doesn't give with the weight of the iron. It is helpful to have an iron without the steam vents. The area where the vents are don't have enough heat to set the crystals. You must get them hot enough for the glue to melt and stick to the fabric. If you Google applying Crystals, you will get lots of opinions on how to do it.

I bought the single crystal applicator. I used it one time. I then immediately went to the pressing cloth method. The crystal applicator was just too time consuming.

Last edited by Barb in Louisiana; 06-16-2016 at 08:05 PM.
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