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Old 06-21-2016, 03:37 AM
patricej's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Southeast Georgia, USA
Posts: 9,103

please remember that we are not a marketplace.
the thrift shop is not at all why we exist.
not even a small part of why we exist.

when we started the thrift shop, many years ago, there was nothing [any of us knew of] available anywhere else.
the idea was never to provide a space in which members could sell for profit.
the sole purpose was to provide a space in which we could offer our excess, left overs, tools we no longer needed, etc.

as a thrift shop, the expectation - and requirement - is that items must be priced as you'd expect used/excess things to be in a thrift shop. that is to say, "rock bottom."

as our membership grew, we attracted the attention of a lot of sharks and cheats. real quilters tend to be trusting, generous, and soft-hearted. we also have a lot of members who are new to quilting and who don't have enough experience to know the difference between fair prices and rip-offs. that's why the list of rules got so long.

now there are bazillions of places for quilters to sell off their excess supplies.
i think a lot of people have started selling through one or more of the countless facebook groups that don't care how much people charge for their old, unwanted fabrics, used tools, etc.

it is not a sign of disloyalty to our QB community to use those resources for either sale or purchase.

qualified QB members who want to sell their old or excess fabrics, used tools, etc for fair prices and not for profit are still allowed to use the thrift shop.
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