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Old 07-01-2016, 07:06 PM
Power Poster
Join Date: Mar 2011
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One Memorial Day we camped. It rained most of the weekend. There was water and mud everywhere. People were having a blast. One guy had dug a ditch around his tent and he had little boats in the ditch. Then he had boards over the ditch for a bridge. He made signs that said "mud bath 5 cents" and "Water Park" the guy sat on his chair with his feet in the water and greeted anybody that waded by. There was another grinning old man baby sitting a little girl. She was wallowing in a big mud puddle. When her mother came by the look on her face was priceless. She pulled that kid up out of the mud and took her to hOse her off. When the mom dragged the kid off the old man said, "don't worry she'll be back." She was.

Then there was the time I tried to cook at a historic event all dressed up pioneer... I lit up a huge fire big no no... Then I put a Dutch oven with a little grease on that fire - maybe too much grease... Well, I thought I should move it since it was a bit too hot looking. Some of that grease spilled and flames shot up. Then I looked up and there was a guy with one of those $60,000 camera sighting me in from 100 yards away. So I thought I better make the best of my supper. I pulled the oven off and raked out the fire to be more manageable. I don't remember any thing about that food. When I looked up the guy with the camera and the note pad was about 4 feet away. Smoke makes my eyes water and my nose run. So I turned and dabbed what I could off my face with my apron. Ok presentable maybe... Some woman was there wanting to interview me for the paper. She asked questions and I answered. Then she asked if I would make a statement. So with tears in my eyes and snot running down my nose I sniffed and said, "I don't know how our foremothers stayed alive" she wrote that down. When I went to the bathroom I caught a look at myself. I was covered in soot with traces of tears and smudges. I was never so thankful for the tornado that went through and shut the camp down and the newspaper printed about the tornado instead of documenting how bad a cook.... If you camp you have to have a sense of humor.

I could continue but I don't want to hog up space

Last edited by miriam; 07-01-2016 at 07:10 PM.
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