Old 07-01-2016, 09:12 PM
Power Poster
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Mississippi
Posts: 26,085

Have a ball, Barbara!

Is anyone here doing a Row by Row quilt or collecting patterns or license plates this year? I have collected a few patterns in the past, but never did them. This year I have bought a couple of kits and think I might actually make a quilt.

My problem is that there are not many shops near me, without driving for hours and hours. My sciatica is just too painful to drive that long. So, although I know it is against the rules, I was going to see if some friends in faraway places might be willing to pick up patterns and mail them to me. Only if you aren't planning to get one for yourself... because I think you can only get one. If you could pm me your state and name of an LQS or two you shop at, I'd really be thankful.

If anyone would like to buy a Mississippi license plate, I would be happy to get it for you and mail it. The two shops within reach of me have plates that say "Bless Ur Heart" and "Pick Cotton". PM me if you want one.

Anyone live in Tipton IA? There's a shop there with a beautiful row pattern I would love to have.
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