Thread: Awkward Moments
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Old 07-04-2016, 01:10 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2015
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I am really getting a kick out of reading these. Watson, I think yours wins first place for making me laugh the most. I have a few more to add.

A couple of weeks ago, I left the house with two different shoes on. It was only after I came home that I realized what I had done.

When I was 14, my cousin and I were riding her bicycle. I was sitting on the handle-bars while she drove. We were going down a steep hill on a sidewalk. Suddenly a screw in the handlebars loosened and I went face first on the sidewalk. I cushioned her fall, but I chipped my front tooth. I had a temporary cap put on until the permanent one could be made. One day in chemistry class, the glue that bonded it to my tooth came loose while I was talking. It bounced off the cheek of my big crush and landed on the floor by the Bunsen burner. Prince Charming went under the table and picked it up and then handed it to me.

Another time when I was about 16, my sister and I went to a sleepover at a friend's house. In Virginia it was wicked hot in the summer, and we didn't have air-conditioning in our upstairs, so at night sometimes I would start with a nightgown on but wake up with it off. Anyhow, at our friend's house there was no air-conditioning. You know where this is going don't you? My sister and I slept in the bed with our friend. I woke up with my underwear missing. My sister found them for me before our friend found out, but boy was I sweating that one!
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