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Old 07-17-2016, 08:59 AM
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Location: Ohio
Posts: 183

On my first quilt, I basted the layers together so poorly that the top moved around so much and my perfectly squared top was badly (and I mean BADLY distorted)--I kept trying to trim it up, which made it worse. I was SO disappointed in the end. Can you believe it, but now I get compliments on how askew it is! My friend, who is an art teacher, thought the "off-centering" of the central square was a daring focal point.

I think we stare and stare at our quilts so much that it's hard to be perfectly satisfied with the end product. Ask yourself this: Did you enjoy the process? Are you excited about the next one? Just forge ahead--three quilts from now you're going to look back and wonder why you were so hard on yourself.
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