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Old 07-17-2016, 05:43 PM
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Location: Wyoming in the summer, Florida in the winter
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All your stories sound so familiar kind of'. 1st started sewing in high school in home-ec, my Mother never picked up a needle and grand mother's crocheted or knitted. Then sewed little things for granddaughter's when they were babies, thank heavens they did not know the difference!!!! Found myself doing alterations and into formal wear, to picky for me so gave it all up until about 10 or so years ago. Went on a vacation and saw a scrappy quilt a lady had sewn that was in purple, imagine that, bought it, brought it home.....and the journey began. Figured I could do that.."upteen" machines and fabric's later here I am. Loving every minute of it and it's my sanity and lifesaver for sure. Being retired from owning a grocery store and working that 6 am to 10pm everyday thing I absolutely have to have something to occupy my time or I'd go nuts!! Hence, I sew and sew and sew
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