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Old 07-23-2016, 04:47 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Jan 2012
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Years ago I bought a roll of polyester batting from Marshalls. It's folded on the bolt, which is about 48 inches long, so unfolded it must be 96". It's at least a quarter inch thick, but it's that fluffy stuff that compresses easily. I'm still using it, and it's fine. The problem was they sent two bolts of it, and billed me for the second bolt. Good golly, whatever could I do with two bolts of that stuff? When I called, he told me he sent two bolts because the shipping cost is the same for two as for one, and refused to pay shipping to take it back. He ended up charging me half price for the second bolt, which I promptly donated to my quilt guild. We used it for charity quilts, and it disappeared in one day's quilting session!
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