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Old 07-25-2016, 11:27 AM
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Originally Posted by terriamn View Post
Wow ladies you are ready and raring to go Gram E beautiful block Kassandra looks like another fun and creative block you are cooking up. It has cooled down a bit here. Think I will head back to the lake late Wednesday afternoon, spend the night there and go home Thursday and pick up dog and head back to lake with my sewing machine. Happy to report Mom is doing well.
YAY TERRI, thats a lot of good news all bundled together.

how ready am I well I have all of the 3 month group bagged N tagged and enough for the 2 month group ready just waiting for final counts. I have Moonwork's block drawn up and a probable block idea for Joan debating between 2. Seeing the actual fabric will be the deciding factor. Oh and my sewing room is clean and ready to go so I got that going for me.

GramE your block is very pretty I see a beautiful tropical quilt in your future.

Way to keep us all on our toes Kass

Hi Joan pictures or it didn't happen :-)
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