Old 07-26-2016, 12:28 PM
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Join Date: Sep 2015
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Hi Jackie

I don't know what type of features you have fallen for, but I guess a simple straight stitcher can have it's place. The advantage with the Featherweight is mostly it's size and portability, and it makes them impossibly cute. I don't know how many who actually use them daily or as the go-to-machine. Their advantages is also their limits, it can be a bit cumbersome to sew larger items on them. I am used to some of the finer points of the latest technology, but in general, I can get by with a Singer 201 and an Elna Supermatic I fixed up half a year ago. I have a separate walking foot for my 201, and the Swiss zigzagger. After I bought it the 201 has become a favorite, it's a straight stitcher only, but full size machine. It's in a table, and a joy to work on.

I assume you are a quilter, and I don't know if you feel dependant on functions like built in dual transport, knee lift, needle threader, needle/up down, or Berninas stitch regulator, etc, but I never did. So I guess a lot comes down to what we sew, become used to and the ways we find around things.

Children love small things, the Featherweight is a very fine piece of mechanical equipent and very charming. My complaint is mostly that it's a bit small. Some love minature versions, but Americans tend to think big ;- )

Last edited by Mickey2; 07-26-2016 at 12:34 PM.
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