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Old 08-01-2016, 04:19 PM
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Originally Posted by seasaw2mch View Post
well it looks like all the storms are gone so maybe I can stay on long enough to read through the posts here.

Lstew: Asking questions isn't being difficult, that is how we all learn. Now, waiting for fabric squishes to get here, that's difficult!!!

Mollymuchkin: I don't think that block has a name but I call it Boxed Star. Very easy to make & you can make them using any 6 inch block (6 1/2" unfinished) as a starting point and then added the outer frame which is 3- 1 1/2 inch strips sewn together as a strip set, then cut to 6 1/2 inch long (unfinished). Plus 2- 3 1/2 inch squares (unfinished) & 2- 3 1/2 inch half square triangle blocks (unfinished). Just put the whole blocks and the half square blocks in opposite corners. That's all there is to it. You can box anything that you can make into a 6 inch block this way. Just an idea for a child's quilt would be to make animal blocks and you could call it caged critters.

Sewbizgirl: I Love the blue flower print and yes, we all have great ideas about what to do with it but you'll have to wait to see what we come up with.

Francie: all the blocks you've posted are great, I really like the design of the first one with the blue & white. Do you take orders?? LOL I want a dozen of them, are you game??? They don't have to be all the same color either.

Kassaundra & Billi: "Fun" with strips, they are so cool, I'm just glad I didn't have to sew them, I think I would go cross eyed but I really love the way they look. Thanks for the links for them, I may have to try one just because. LOL

Billi: If I had done this quilt sooner, I might have raffled it off to anyone but it's something my kids & family members really wanted me to do for the family reunion because the doctor told my son that I may not live longer then a year and that was several months ago. I haven't said anything to the group until now because I feel that they are SOOOOOO wrong. I'm really doing much better after stopping all their drugs and I'm now able to walk better and do things I wasn't able to do 3 months ago. 3 months ago I wasn't able to lift my leg more then 6 inches off the floor, now I can lift it as high as anyone marching. I'm getting better at walking too and this past week I have been able to walk across the room without my walker, almost to the point that I can use my cane again but I'm not pushing it so I will stay with the walker for now. I don't stay dizzy and I can now eat without feeling sick which are 2 things the medicines were to blame for. I go back to the doctor on Aug 11th and I'm hoping with all the improvements I have, they will do another scan so I will know for sure if I'm killing this cancer with the alternative stuff I'm doing. If not then I don't know what I'm going to do next but for now I'm doing what I love and that's sewing blocks and making a few quilts in the process. Sorry I had to tell you all this way but it's hard keeping it to myself and trying to be careful not to say anything about it. Don't be sad about it because I have a wonderful husband that takes care of me when things get rough and that's all anyone can really ask for, except for sharing quilt blocks with friends. That's the biggest high of all!!!!!

Now bring on those squishes, I'm ready and waiting!!!!!!
Wow Sea you brought me to tears thank you for sharing something so incredibly personal with us. I will be keeping you in my thoughts as the 11th draws near hoping for the best news possible.

I am so glad you have joined us again. And I look forward to hearing about your family reunion.
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