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Old 08-04-2016, 09:15 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2013
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I've lived in several different regions (mid-Atlantic, western PA, the midwest, and I have sisters in the south). So I've heard quite a few.

-"she was rode hard and put away wet" (someone who has lived a hard life)
- breakfast, lunch, and supper are the 3 main meals (whereas on the East Coast it's breakfast, lunch, and dinner)
- Near Pittsburgh, you might "red up a room" (straighten it up, tidy, pick it up--elsewhere)
-in Kansas I heard "the wind was blowin' 90 ta nothin'" (really hard)
- in the south some food is "so good it makes you wanna slap your pappy" (or your mama)
-native Baltimoreans will say , when they're going to the beach, "I'm goin' downy oh-shun, hon" (everyone is a "hon" to people who were "born and raised" here near the city)
-my 27 year old DD sometimes mixes up her idioms; one time, instead of saying, "It's not my first rodeo" she said "This isn't my first merry-go-round." Cracked us up. When I chuckled, she said, "What?" I said it's rodeo and she laughed, "Oh, I knew it had something to do with horses!" (We call those slip-ups "Sarah-isms" in our house.)

-I grew up calling all athletic shoes "tennis shoes" but my kids identify them: basketball shoes, running shoes, etc.
Other people call them sneakers. My dad calls them loafers.

-We eat pancakes. I've heard johnnycakes, flapjacks, short stack...

We drink soda. And it's specific. Coke is Coke. Mountain Dew is Mountain Dew. Pepsi is Pepsi (and second rate at that).

We grill, grill out, or cook out (for all outdoor barbecue cooking).
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