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Old 08-05-2016, 12:53 PM
Power Poster
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Corpus Christi, Tx.
Posts: 16,105

About 30 years ago DH was on a boat launch headed to a ship in the gulf. The launch (smaller boat) took on water. Just a few minutes prior one of his co passengers suggested he switch and put on one of the newer life jackets, jokingly remarking they might have to float a while. Just about then the boat began taking on water. DH's friend got caught up in some rope, hubby wash forced through a window and jutted into the water. He saw his friend and another guy go down with the boat. They were in the water for 10 hours and rescued by a Chinese ship. One of the crewman said to him he was lucky because of the sharks swimming around them. He still has the paper clippings and of course to this day he will not get on a boat smaller than 40 feet long. When he gets around a boat or ship, he hears his friend's voice; "Switch with me, it's a better seat!" We don't talk cruises and that's ok. He tells his employees who have to get on a launch to board a ship in the gulf to make sure they're wearing a good life jacket. When he performs certain tasks that he shared with his friend he has been caught having a conversation. His other guys have walked in on the conversations.
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