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Old 08-07-2016, 04:41 PM
Just Jan
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Join Date: Jun 2010
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I was born and raised in PA and both my parents were from Ohio, but I have lived in FL about 30 years.
We 'hunker down' and wait to see where a hurricane or storm will hit.
Dad was 'goin to town and be back til noon.' Meaning he was going shopping and would be home by noon.
Don't bite the hand that feeds you!
I aint (or haint) et yet... meant he had not had lunch
We have hot tea and cold tea.. and if you want cold tea you either want Ice Tea (unsweetened) or Sweet Tea
'I'd have liked to have been a fly on the wall then'... Meaning I would have liked to have overheard or seen what happened.
She's ditzy or she's a real ditz... She's such an airhead... She's a real flake... Nutty as a fruit cake. Half Baked.
Don't just set there on you haunches... or Get the lead out (of you a**) meaning do something. Oh and another expression, "Do something even if its wrong!" Meaning don't just stand there, do something! (get busy) Resting on her laurels... just lazing around.
'He's so dumb he doesn't know his A** from a hole in the ground!' or doesn't know his A** from first base!
Mom needed to run the worsher... meaning needed to do laundry.
I once kidded a friend who said he had to carry his mom to church. I asked him, don't your arms get tired? He replied, well how do you take your mom places ? I said, I drive her! He replied, Do you use a big stick?!!! LOL

Last edited by Just Jan; 08-07-2016 at 04:49 PM.
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