Old 08-09-2016, 08:22 AM
Power Poster
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Between the dashes of a tombstone
Posts: 12,716

Silence for a short while...DS#2 and wife took the 10 cousins to the park to play...they will have lunch in town..GS#1 has a one o'clock band practice so will roll that all into one trip..we live 10 miles from our closest town, so nice when trips consolidate..DD left for an overnight trip to Toronto...she and their 2 will be in and out til Sunday...DS crew leave tomorrow a.m....big girls are working on a quilt session...planning their word play quilts..Em is making a full size quilt..N a lap...and El a lap....Will pull out some fabrics for them to play with while it's quiet....thank goodness I didn't work this week...I'm tired and will need some recoup time ....last night aunt and cousin were over for supper...easy meal of subway type sandwiches with left over chicken, beef, dried beef and fresh fruit served buffet style...tonight's meal is lasagna with corn....have fresh tomatoes and cucumbers so that's at every meal...should check pole beans....soon excitement will be over and life will return to normal...have a good day..
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