Thread: Boom 17 - OPAL
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Old 08-16-2016, 03:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Kassaundra View Post
I don't have a "go cutter" but I make circles by cutting a paper circle the size I want, using a dot of Elmer's glue stick in the center to secure it to the fabric, cut around the circle giving myself whatever seam allowance I want, clipping it to about 1/8 inch from the paper (putting little slices almost to the paper to make tabs) then folding over the paper and pressing the bejeesus out of it using a tiny dot of glue if needed if any tabs won't stay down. Let cool completely then remove paper, use a little glue stick to secure the tabs to the circle back while pressing. Viola perfect circle ready to sew (machine straight stitch the edge is how I secure) down.
I do this too for a reverse circle. I save the cardboard from cereal boxes. They aren't too stiff but a little more resistance than plain paper.
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