Thread: Boom 17 - OPAL
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Old 08-26-2016, 01:24 PM
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Originally Posted by GramE View Post
Wow, wild ride here last night. Power went out around 5. 10 miles to the south of us the had 9 tornadoes touchdown. Devastating damage. Starbucks Coffe shop flattened. Strip mall & enclosed Mall in same parking lot minimal damage. Tornado sirens going off from 2 until about 7 or so, maddening when you have no power. & we aren't hip enough to have smart phones.

But at 10:30 I was hand sewing one of my blocks by flashlight. Hey, pioneers did it. Had to charge my phone sitting in running car so someone could call me if I needed to head to the bathtub. But 10 hr power outage was the worst we suffered. Bad part about DH working overnight. Dogs are not very good company in the dark or in a storm!

My son was here because I had made them some supper & his wife called frantic because the sirens were going off. They live 10 miles north of us. He said I'm listening to the tv & my phone is getting updates it is just a warning. She said (and I could hear her panicked voice shouting to him) why is everyone coming out into their yards instead of into a safe place. He had to laugh & said, well that's what they do, they come out to check the weather for themselves. She's from East Chicago, I guess they don't do that there. But he got home safe with chicken & dumplings & cupcakes! Maybe I can sew by daylight today. Or even machine since the power is back on.

Gratefully no deaths or serious injuries reported from all the storms, just a LOT of property damage. Many corn fields totally flattened!

And everyone's blocks are gorgeous!
So glad you and your family are safe. Thank God.
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