Thread: Boom 17 - OPAL
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Old 08-26-2016, 04:27 PM
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Originally Posted by sewbizgirl View Post
Oh somehow I missed the next page with my second block by Teriamn! Love it too. I can't wait to see all my blocks put together.

Daughter is having me drink some wine. We just lost my husband's sister today. Quite a shock, although she's battled several different horrible cancers for years. It finally took her. She and I are the same age...60. She had a major surgery removing cancer and cancerous organs (anything she could live without) just a few months ago, and the big tumor had already grown back. They started chemo and radiation to shrink it, but her frail little body just couldn't take it. All her life she was a bigger lady, but she was down to about 80 lbs! So sad, especially for my husband. They were just 10 months apart and very close. Like twins!

I am so sorry to hear this sad news. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. I hate that C word. It's taken all of my family. Someday...someday....may there be a cure. ((((((Hugs))))))
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