Old 01-30-2010, 07:15 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2008
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Oh, I just thought of another one that drives me up the wall.

I HATE it when people fiddle with the dials in my car. It's usually Sasha, and it's usually the heater. He's in the passenger seat, and I don't always notice him lowering the heat but a little while later, I'll be cold again and then I'll see that he's turned the heat all the way to cold.
It's MY bloody car, and if you don't like it, get out and walk.
Or, worse, when it's -900 degrees out and before going to work I'll crank the blowers way up, hit the defrost button and then leave the car. 15 minutes or so before leaving, I'll remote start my car, but when I get back in my car, it's not even hot yet because the little bugger turned the heater way down last time he sat in my car. ARRRRRRGH!!!!
Plus, I paid extra to have the remote started put in my car, and it's a pain in the butt to figure out because my car is a manual transmission, so the clutch had to be by-passed... anyway, so in the winter when it's really cold out, we take my car so we can start it before we leave wherever we are, but it seems like every time we do that, he's fiddled with the heater and blowers again, so when I get back to the car, it's not warm yet.
Ok, I'm just going on for nothing anymore, but it's really cold here right now, feels like -30, so it's hitting a nerve, lol!
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