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Old 09-02-2016, 11:15 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Take time for God today
Posts: 966

I have ben Married 42 years got married on Valentines Day 1974. Then Valentines day were not like today, presents weekends, flowers candy etc. If you got a card that was something and flowers over the top. Dinner rare. I got married on a Thursday everyone said you can not get married during the week. We were going to a small church candles light the windows. My dad had to walk behind me the isles was not enough for my dress and him. It only held 50-70 people. One 2 Sunday school rooms and adult stay in church for Sunday school. We had a Pastor came from a School were pastors were in college, hour away. I have pictures were my Dad Mom and father were in from of church with horse and buggy. They would get baptized in the river. It over 200 years old now and still there. I still love that day but wish Valentines day was not so about what you get and how much you get etc. My sister had 2 big weddings for me I like small family friends and a nice little honey moon. Everyone needs to have what makes their day. The candles in the windows, back room food and pictures by a friend, and a car so decorated with hearts, roses, streamers - people falling us out of town - and on the mountains for us. Oh my dress I borrowed from a friend
it even had hoops under it. Had it cleaned and packed to give back to her. Lots of love when into it all. One more thing we all talk about my husband had to have a velvet red and black trim tux. Not my choice but made him happy.

Last edited by sherian; 09-02-2016 at 11:22 AM.
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