Old 09-05-2016, 11:48 AM
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I bought a desk organizer on clearance that has a small drawer, several divided sections, and a wider section at the back of the drawer.

I keep my small rulers, etc. in that wider section, my scissors in the divided section, things I don't use so often in the drawer. On it's small shelf, I keep a shot glass that holds my seam ripper, wooden seam presser, a pointed wooden skewer, and other tiny things that are very easy to lose. Beside that sits my long measuring tape, the wind up one, and a spool of pretty thread that I use to hold the end of my snips when I am not using them.
And finally, it holds my wooden seam ripper stand for when I have a long row of chain stitching to cut apart.

The other end of my snips is attached to my spool thread holder by a ribbon with an elastic loop at the end. I added the elastic loop because so often the ribbon was just a bit too short.

This sits to the right of my sewing machine on my sewing desk.

Last edited by wildyard; 09-05-2016 at 11:51 AM.
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