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Old 09-24-2016, 05:18 PM
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I am working on quilting a lap-sized quilt with an embroidery machine. I work at a Bernina dealer part time and am using the store's demo B880 and jumbo hoop (10" x 16"). I have the B570 with embroidery but it cannot use the jumbo hoop. I picked out two designs that complement my quilt and enlarged them to ~10". I found that the more open the design the better. After layering my quilt, I hooped each block (all 3 layers, no stabilizer needed). The rest of the quilt I rolled up and clipped with the jumbo size clover clips at the edges (about 4) so it does not unroll and drag. I used a new size 14 embroidery needle. I alternated the 2 designs and two different colors. I have finished the 12 blocks and am currently working on the border. I had to sew a strip along the outside edge so there is enough to tighten in the hoop. For the border, I picked two more designs from the collection I am using (OESD Doodle Line Quilting) and am using the mega hoop (6" x 16") along the sides and the oval hoop (6" x 10") for the corners. Now you can stitch in the ditch around each block, I choose to use a decorative stitch down the middle of my 2" sashing. I am really pleased with how it is coming out.

I did take a class on quilting with your embroidery hoop. In that class, we brought a project to work on and I did a table runner made with 3, 12" blocks. It was done on my machine in the oval hoop. I used a design that was a curved feather and used 2 in each block (two hoopings per block). They were enlarged as big as would fit in the hoop and mirror imaged so that they curved toward each other like this: ( ). I gave that table runner to my Mom and still like it when I see it.

Last edited by Skyangel; 09-24-2016 at 05:23 PM.
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