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Old 09-30-2016, 09:00 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Oct 2015
Posts: 115

Only one guy was confident enough to do something outside of the typical "guy" activity to show up. That in itself is a testament to our cultural boundaries. I have enough guy hobbies to keep me busy but my wife and I have always done many things together.

When we were younger, I made it clear that I would spend a lot of time in the outdoors. She could stay home or she could come along and have fun with me. We have spent a ton of time together on the boat chasing fish and doing other outdoor activities.

Same with my wife now. She is going to go to the quilt shops and shows with or without me. If I want to join in, she welcomes the company and another person to share ideas of quilt projects.

Tell your hubby congrats on making the leap and I'm glad that you two will be having fun together like my wife and I are having a blast together with the projects.
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