Thread: Boom 17 - OPAL
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Old 10-03-2016, 07:41 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2016
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Originally Posted by joanelizbay View Post
Don't know if I can wait till November or Dec for the next Boom. I started hand quilting a Santa wall hanging, have 5 patch pals to bind, a full size to bind, buy border for a quilt for my granddaughter (the one her mom thinks is manly) ..other than that, nothing started or in my mind to work on...I'm ready for the next swap!
ROFL!!!! I've got lots of projects (1 wedding quilt, 1 engagement, several Christmas, all queen or better! Plus donations to Relief Society) and real life keeps intruding. We just changed shifts at work and I have to get used to mids, with a break in the middle somewhere for 3 weeks of training. I honestly love my life, but sometimes all I want to do is play with fabric.

Everyone - thanks for the kind words. I am still learning about quilting, and trying new things. Glad the discussions here have gotten some people to check how the online templates print out. I'll try the enlarging at 106% next time. Thanks for the tip. My poor brain was NOT going to figure that fraction out! Maybe we've saved ourselves some frustration. Jinny does have some pretty blocks, but it is all in how we execute our visions that make a quilt lovely.

All that being said, my fabric is already purchased for the next swap. Maybe I'd better go wash it today!

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