Thread: Boom 17 - OPAL
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Old 10-07-2016, 10:50 AM
Janice McC
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Good afternoon! I was going to post this tomorrow but I got it all in order earlier so what the heck, here goes.

So as you know, blocks are due IN MY HANDS on Saturday, October 22, 2016. Reminder that is the date due, not the mailing date. However, you may take every single day of the remaining period to complete your blocks. There is no hurry to get them in early, just get them in on time please.

Here's where we are as far as blocks rec'd goes:

Billi - rec'd
GramE - rec'd
Jaba - rec'd
Joanelizbay - rec'd
Libster rec'd
Ljdugas - rec'd

Moonrise - rec'd
Terriamn - rec'd

All of the received packages have been opened and checked for proper count and return postage and all are ready. Thank you! I'll update when new blocks come in. The next and last mailing window for this group opens on Friday the 14th. Please ship your blocks so that they ARRIVE no earlier than the 14th. For most of you, that will mean mailing no sooner than the 12th which is less than a week away. If you happen to be in both groups and both sets are complete, you can certainly go ahead and ship both at the same time. I'm a big fan of saving postage for more fun things like, say, fabric.

So be finishing up your blocks but be sure to keep an eye on the calendar. Thanks, Opals!
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