Thread: Boom 17 - OPAL
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Old 10-07-2016, 12:04 PM
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Glad I got my blocks for both groups done. Having eye surgery on the 25th on the right eye and then he said 3-4 weeks later will have the left eye done. I reallly dislike having my eyes dilated then going out in the bright sun light. My DIL was kind enough to take me and will also take me on the 25/26.. Hate to ask them but its nice to know I have a driver. I absolutely LOVE all the blocks Ive seen. The surfer will fit in perfect! Been a long time since Ive been around a 12 year old boy but hope his moodyness is only a sign of growing up...hes worse than my daughter was at 12...nothing seems to suit him! So glad Im not raising any of my own in this day of phones and computers!!
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