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Old 10-10-2016, 07:33 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2011
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ok--since Mac opened the door to "most embarrassing moments at quilt retreat"! Couple of retreats ago I wore my contacts and forgot my glasses--and my toothbrush! Had to drive home (about 45min on way) to get glasses--too much fiber in the air for contacts! Plus, I refuse to wear a bra for HOURS on end while sewing--so don't! My friends tease me about it, so I've started just standing up after dinner and announcing it's "no bra time" and several people laugh and run to their rooms to get into "lounge wear"! We try to have lots of fun while accomplishing something too!

I do take both my good and my travel machine just in case, but STRONGLY suggest that you double check that you have the power cords and foot pedals as several people have had to have DH run them up when left at home.
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