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Old 10-15-2016, 12:56 AM
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Originally Posted by lovelyl View Post
Please do include a card or tag warning that nut shells are in the pincushion. I had a girl in class one year that almost died because she laid her arms and hands on a table where someone had made a peanut butter sandwich. This didn't happen at school, but we had to ban peanut butter from the entire school, including children's home packed lunches. Granted, her allergy was unusually extreme, but it is not worth the chance with your pincushions!
(I was amazed at the number of parents who were upset because their child could not bring a peanut butter sandwich to school. I know PB is a convenient lunch to pack, but at the risk of a child's life????!!!!!!)
I've seen it all. Many parents simply do not care if their kids' food kills another kid. The kids do mostly care but at some point they will probably adopt their parents' attitude and stop caring. Some people call it survival of the fittest, implying that if you can die from food, maybe you should be dead. Some of them even threaten to rub peanut butter on their own kids backpacks, books, etc and send them to school that way. Many people think as long as you carry an epi pen then it's not a big deal, but epi pens don't always work and they are freaking expensive. Plus, any time you use one you have to go the emergency room afterward-the epi pen only works for a few minutes. There are risks to using it, including severe lacerations from the needle, although they aren't nearly as high as the risk for not using it. Some just flat out don't believe it can happen. It's amazing how much hate there is for the food allergic community. It makes me sad for my daughter, who will have to navigate all this on her own.
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