Thread: Luxuries -
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Old 11-04-2016, 07:06 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Corpus Christi, Tx.
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I am the oldest and got hand me downs from relatives. Hated it. Since there was more than a few years between my sister and I they got new because there were a few years between them also. I admit I was bitter about it because when I went to same school as my cousins who pointed out to others I was wearing their hand me downs. BUT at a school dinner with parents, again I was dressed in a cousin's hand me down. When my parents saw the tears start rolling down my face because of embarrassment and my aunt's even made comments that it looked better on their kids that was the end of that. I got a whole new wardrobe that weekend from head to toe. Never got hand me downs again. That was one time I remember getting an apology from my parents. The weekend after that another aunt from out of town brought some clothes for my brother which were rejected and advised to donate to a charity instead. My brother also got a new wardrobe.
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