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Old 11-07-2016, 11:02 AM
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When hubby was in grad school & I an undergrad we struggled with daycare, tuition for two, and household costs even though he worked part-time during his research periods & I worked full time while taking early, mid-day, & evening classes. Being long range planners, after Christmas we would get one really good toy on 75% off sale & during the rest of the year with a 1 dollar limit each month we'd get her small items. We lived in married student housing, the cheapest rate in town because it was so old but we could walk to the University & save even more. The only place to hide the presents was in a very small closet that we kept locked & opened for her birthday at midyear & at Christmastime to wrap the goodies in newspaper cartoons. We went to work in industry after graduation the same time she began school. A few months later her class was preparing to sing in the school Christmas pageant. A boy told her she was singing the song wrong but she wasn't having any of his guff. He pushed her & she pushed back. The choir teacher asked her to sing it for the class. She sang her song Santa Closets Coming To Town much to the wonderment of the class. To this very day she loves her version for the memories it bring.
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