Thread: FMQ question
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Old 11-08-2016, 02:18 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Illinois/Wisconsin
Posts: 878

I too was very intimidated about FMQ. It is normal. As I have progressed, I have learned what works for me. I did take the Craftsy class called FMQ a large quilt on a domestic machine (or something like that). It helped me enormously. I still fumble a bit with large quilts and feel like I am wrestling a slippery whale but determination moves me forward and I am improving every time I do a new quilt. Also, (and this is huge for me) I wash and dry my quilts when I am finished with them. The puckering hides ALL my mistakes. Woohoo! Another trick I try to use because I do not like the time-consuming job of tying and burying my threads is, I try to do a pattern from edge to edge so that my threads will be buried in my binding. Saves a huge amount of time. If I cannot do that, I try to tie and bury as I finish a motif. Much better for me. Good luck and don't give up.
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