Old 11-18-2016, 09:04 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2010
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My favorite Christmas, was not until I was married, (I lived in an abusive home until I moved out at 17) I marri d my husband 32 years ago, God gave him to me to save my life. Our first year married he lost his job in Oct, it was just us. No children so we would be fine, but he wanted to get me something I'd always wanted, an oval free standing mirror. We even had the spot for it picked out in our bedroom. But since he did t have a job, www agreed no presents. (Well I won't believe him regarding that every again!). He had been doing some odd jobs to save up for the mirror, and I opened it CHRISTmas day. At his parents house. Of course I didn't have anything for him, (again. I won't make that mistake again) yet, he said that I did give him a present better than anything he could of asked for. (1) A smile on my face our first CHRISTmas together, (2) staying with him after he lost his job, and (3) tears of love pouring out my eyes as pure joy and excitement this brought him mire pride & caused him it have more love for me that day than any others before, Since then we have had many more "special' CHRISTMass but our first was the most memorable one to me,
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