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Old 11-20-2016, 10:02 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Laughlin NV
Posts: 650

How about some string pot holders (lots of practice sewing straignt with no damage done if they aren't) - Could be birthed too. Something raggedy (pillow for her bed) Apron from 2.5 strips which could be birthed and top stitched. Perhaps make a set for you and she could e-mail you her progress and you would have one in the same stage and could do the next step send pictures etc. I started using the machine at about the same age but the real reward at that point was a finished product. Don't forget to ask her what she would like to make. As quilters we get to choose and often take on a little more than we can chew. We persevere, learn a lot, then ease back for a while. Remember that the higher the interest the more we are willing to struggle a bit.
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